Swisscom AG
Swisscom is the leading telecommunications company in Switzerland. It provides 5.6 million customers with mobile telephony and operates around 1.8 million broadband connections. Across all of Switzerland, Swisscom offers the full range of products and services for mobile, net-based, and IP-based voice and data communication. The company´s roots go back to the beginnings of telecommunication in Switzerland. The Swisscom brand itself was created when the company was taken public in 1998, has been built systematically and continuously ever since, and constitutes an integral part of public life in Switzerland.
"The usage based customer segmentation by marketmind for Swisscom Residential is being employed company-wide since 2012. Among other things it serves to develop and maintain products, is the basis of Customer Lifecycle Management and materially influences marketing - from design of campaigns via media use through to implementation at POS. Therefore the marketmind customer segmentation is a central marketing instrument for Swisscom.“
Stephan Mignot, Head Customer Marketing
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