In the course of Austria joining the EU, Agrarmarkt Austria Marketing GesmbH (AMA Marketing in short) was entrusted with promoting agricultural marketing in our country. AMA Marketing GesmbH is a fully owned subsidiary of the market-regulation agency AMA, a legal person under public law. Its main task lies in promoting the sales of agricultural produce, in particular of meat and meat products, eggs and poultry, milk and dairy products, fruit, vegetables and potatoes as well as of organically grown products. AMA Marketing aims to highlight the importance of quality and freshness and to increase consumers´ sensitivity towards the origin of food products. The AMA quality label stands for excellent quality, documented origin, and independent quality control.
„Among the market research agencies, marketmind has obtained a unique positioning through hard work. The range of studies they offer is similar to a full-service agency, but the professional way in which projects are executed and the quality of the analyses provided are without comparison. This is thanks to the unrelenting efforts of a highly motivated and dynamic team of qualified project managers, and to the managing partners, who have shaped and continuously developed the services provided by marketmind from day one up to now.“
Micaela Schantl, Marketing Manager